jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

U.S. Science and Technology

Science and Technology.


1) It is about government-funded research, that has been financially affected. If it doesn't fix the growing U.S. debt, the U.S. Science and Technology will go off the "cliff".

2) The principal preocupation of this problem is that the cuts made by the government will put America's future scientific and technological breakthroughs at risk, and also will reduce jobs, and threaten U.S. competitiveness.

3) The Science and Technology will go off the "cliff", and it will come a lot of problems with itself.

4) I am completely agree, because basic research funding is the key of the future, it drives economic growth and creates jobs.

5) Of course. In my personal experience, I have a cousin who is Phisic and she studies in Scottland by a goverment-funded scholarship.

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