martes, 22 de abril de 2014

The Phantom of the Opera

1) One of the joint managers

2) Mercier

3) Raoul has a fair moustache, a blue eyes, and a conplexion like girls.
Phillipi was a fourty one years old's man, he was a aristocrat and a good-looking.

4) She was in her dressing room, and she heard a voice, she thought it was the angel of the music. Instead of its, it was the Phantom of the Opera. Then, the Phantom took her.

6) Christine met Raoul in Sweden, he was her childhood friend

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

Describing a Photo

The photo that will be described now is related to the controversy of the movie "The last temptention of Christ".
In this photo, we can see a man shouting with a crowd behind him, protesting outside of a cinema that has a big sing at the entrance, with the name of the film. A person of the crowd has a post raised that said "Biblical Jesus. He is equal" with the words "Biblical" and "Equal" written in red letters. We cannot see whole post, but personally, I think it says "Biblical Jesus. He is equal with God" in accordance with the Bible in John 5:18, when Jesus said he is equal to God. Maybe, the people that were protesting, want to express that Jesus Christ will never be like common people, or commit a sin, like the Jesus shown in the film. That is why they are protesting, and they want to forbid the movie because they think that it is insensitive with Catholicism, and attacks the figure of Jesus Christ.
In my opinion the film should not be prohibited because it is just a fiction and doesn't represent the real Jesus Christ. People have to be open minded and accept this kind of movies like a fantasy and learn about it.

213 words