viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

Global Warning Solutions

English Blog: News Report

The final global warning solution was invented

Joaquin Garay, Staff Reporter
VALPARAISO - Recently, a group of 5 students of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso have done an experiment inventing a gas that makes the inverse process of pollution, they said "in a bigger scale, it could solve the global warming".

The group of students is led by Mr. Vergara, a Chemical Engineering student in 5th year. They had been working last 8 months, and they thing they have found the solution of the Global Warming.

Their experiment consists in a mix with 3 molecules of nitrogen, 2 molecules of water, and 4 molecules of wolfram. Those elements make a gaseous mixture that they called “Cooling gas”

The “Cooling gas” reacts in contact with greenhouse gases producing helium, a noble gas that does not affect the environment.

The World Corporation of Global Warming (WCGW) also offers to buy their discovery in one thousand millions of dollars to produce it in the bigger scale to scatter around the world to solve this worldwide problem once and for all.

The director of WCGW, Mr. Jonathan Anderson said: “It could be realize in the next 2 years if we don’t have any problem in the process”.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Brave New World: Task 2

Brave New World

1 - Why is it important for Lenina to publicly prove her unfaithfulness to Henry?

 Because at the time of brave new world there was no exact definition of fidelity, because all the people had many couples and this is demonstrated in several parts of the book. first, it is justify in the chapter 3 on page 38, and this is the quote: "And to tell the truth, said Lenina, I'm beginning to get just a tiny bit bored with nothing but Henry every day".
So, It is for this phrase that we can take at a series of debates that they don't know the really meaning of the true love, and finally a phrase that Lenina occupies to demonstrate its she was unfaithfulness, is occupied in the chapter 4 page 50 and it says: "Anyhow, she was publicly proving her unfaithfulness to Henry. Fanny ought to be pleased, even though it was Bernard. So this reflects the important of follow the rules of this society, that for me consideration it is wrong this type of thought 

2 - Is it Natural to be in a couple and raise a family in the Brave new World? Why / why not?
It's not natural, because the social rules at that time say that this is not correct, In the contra part they thought that the human being should have many couples and that should not be enslaved by way of a only couple. This is reflected in the chapter 3 page 35: "Their world (the past) didn't allow them to take things easily, didn't allow them to be sane, virtuous, happy." That is why this question is totally related to the unfaithfulness of the world of brave new world in which it is assumed that someone can be happy only if it is free to be with anyone, in wherever they want and however they want.

3 - What is the meaning of "pneumatic" when it is used to describe Lenina?

The official definition is basically "full of air," but this description can be metaphorical. It seems that he wants to mean that she's busty, curvy, and all-around sexy

4 - What is "Soma" and why do people use it? 

its a designer drug with no side effects can cure feelings of sadness and who use every time they want a vacation or experience negative emotions and want to escape reality and is shown according to chapter 4 page 52: "you do look glum! What do you need is a gramme of soma. Diving into his right-hand trouser-pocket.Benito produced a phial. One cubic centimeter cures ten gloomy ... but, I say! "

5 - Was Bernard a tall or a short man? How did this Affect his job? Please justify your answer by quoting from chapter 5. 

He was a small man and is evidenced in the chapter 4,page 55: "I have stood eight centimeters short of the standard Alpha height and was slender in proportion" and a very important thing that says Bernard in this same page is that he does not feel comfort with his identity:  "I am, and I wish I wasn't." His physical condition it was hurting a lot in their work, because it's made him feel uncomfortable and a he feel that is was observed by society for being different from the others. This was reflected in the page 55: "For gammas, deltas, and Epsilons had been to some extent conditioned to associate corporeal prejudice in favor of size was universal. Hence the laughter of the women to whom I have made proposals, the practical joking of his equals among the men.The mockery made him feel an outsider".